ChatGPT as UX designer / HTML coder

TL;DR: ChatGPT can be fairly creative if you let it. The question is when to give it this kind of freedom and when will this just create crap? For designing simple HTML pages with some Javascript for the interaction of elements it is almost perfect.


Like pretty much every computer scientist, I suck at creating beautiful UIs. There is a reason that UX designers have studied design and have different skills.

So for my little RPG I hopefully convinced ChatGPT that it is an excellent UX designer and HTML coder. Let's see if it can create responsive, good looking start screens for my game...

We both started full of enthusiasm and I promptly ran into the "if the prompt is too complicated it will just error out" issue. (could be also random issues, right now ChatGPT is erroring out often).

So I came up with a more focused, task-oriented prompt that gave ChatGPT less freedom and a very clear list of things to do.

Here it is:

Background: the game is about turning web pages into dungeons. So the start screen prompts the user to select a web page. There are three ways to do this.

Please create the start screen. In this screen there is a control that allows to select three options: "select a default page", "select a Wikipedia page", "enter any URL".

Depending on the selection, a new control for additional info pops up - for default page a dropdown where the user can select a page. For the wikipedia page an input to enter a word for wikipedia, and for any URL an input to enter a URL.

Once something is entered an okay button is ready for entry to take the user to the next screen.

From this prompt, it created a perfectly working page that did exactly what I asked it to do. Good.

Then I went daring and prompted it to be creative with a CSS for my page:

Can you now please create a css stylesheet for me. Do you have suggestions what the background and text color should be for a cool RPG? And what font do you suggest? Surprise me :-)

And with only one minor mistake that it found and corrected (you need to import a custom font right at the beginning of the CSS or it will not be used) it came up with this UI (I have not supplied a name for my game so it picked "web dungeon RPG").

 That is better than anything I could do. Very impressive.

Here's what it said about its design:

This stylesheet uses the Cinzel font from Google Fonts, which has a fantasy-inspired look that's suitable for an RPG. The background color is set to a dark gray, with a lighter gray for the text. The form elements have a consistent style, and the start button changes its background color when hovered and when disabled.

You can tweak the colors and font as you see fit. To use a different font, simply import it from Google Fonts and update the font-family property in the body rule.



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